Our Dream.

Over the years, Filipino cultural, heritage, and sports events have been constantly moving around to many temporary, available community centres in Halifax and neighbouring areas – this has always been tremendously challenging.

While we are primarily focused on the sports development, our ultimate dream is to have our own physical space where we can gather collectively as a community – a more permanent fixture. We hope to build our own Filipino Community Centre where we can be together to celebrate our unique Filipino heritage or laugh together. The beautiful spirit of Bayanihan as a powerful trait that highlights the Filipino generosity, sense of community, and our icon for unity is where we capitalize. We welcome sponsorships in any form, partnerships, and programs that will attract monetary supports from various stakeholders.

Become a pillar of this dream – here’s how to support us.

Our Identity.

Kabayan Sports League Association (KSLA) is a registered not-for-profit organization created and founded in Halifax, Nova Scotia on (month) 2023. KSLA aims to promote and advocate for active lifestyle in the Filipino community through organized sports competitions. The organization is built through the dreams and aspirations of Filipino community leaders with a deeper desire to create a long-lasting legacy for generations to come.

Our Story.

The impetus for the creation of the Kabayan Sports League Association is out of necessity to gather as Filipinos in Nova Scotia where we can celebrate each other, support each other, and united by our love for sports, fitness, and community well-being. We are driven and inspired by this need. 

We as Filipinos have inherent interest in sports, we love to gather, we are competitive people, we love being challenged, but most of all, we love the feeling of winning. It runs in our Filipino veins to celebrate victories – small or big. This is where KSLA is focused on; we are grounded by this very reason – the value of community celebration and the joy of being together.

This is our story, and we want this to be your story to tell, too.

Our Purpose.

We strongly believe in the countless benefits of healthy, active lifestyle. Through the sports programs that we develop, we ascertain that we are a consistent advocate for wellness in our community. The KSLA plays that integral role as an association that is in the forefront ensuring that fun, fair, and safe sports events are delivered highlighting the competitive nature of Filipinos. We will organize sports events that are popular to Filipinos but will keep our ears open to navigate unpopular sports to the Filipinos.

Our Mandate.

As the main organizer of sport events within our community, we assure you accountability, integrity, and as a community foundation that fosters spirit of sportsmanship.

Decision-making. We are central to the operational activities of the organization where sensible decisions are made based on the needs and demands. We make rules and regulate sports events within the scope of our mandate as an association and within the metrics of sports standards.

Events management. Being the main governing body, it is our responsibility to design and develop sports events with every event detail in mind: games schedules, location identification, manpower management, logistics, sponsorships, partnerships, and much more.

Promotions and marketing. To ensure success and that we reach every individual in the Filipino community and outside of our community, we are committed to design creative strategies to attract team participations, potential stakeholders, partnerships, and sponsorships. We utilize all available platforms where we can promote our forthcoming events.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions. If you have any additional inquiries, please don't hesitate f us at [email protected].

What is Kabayan Sport League Association?

Kabayan Sport League Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sports and fostering community engagement among Filipinos living in Nova Scotia.

How can I support Kabayan Sport League Association?

You can support Kabayan Sport League Association by becoming a member, volunteering your time and skills, sponsoring events or teams, or making a donation.

Can I join Kabayan Sport League Association if I'm not Filipino?

Yes, Kabayan Sport League Association welcomes individuals from all backgrounds who share a passion for sports and want to contribute to the community.

What types of sports does Kabayan Sport League Association organize?

Kabayan Sport League Association organizes various sports such as basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, and more, catering to different age groups and skill levels.

How do I become a member of Kabayan Sport League Association?

To become a member of Kabayan Sport League Association, you can visit their website and fill out the membership form or attend one of their registration events. Register here

Can I volunteer my time even if I'm not skilled in sports?

Absolutely! Kabayan Sport League Association has various volunteer opportunities available that go beyond playing sports. You can assist with event planning, marketing, logistics, fundraising, etc.


List of Games




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